The falcon traces / The outlines of the clouds and / Shapes them how they are.
Author: Hario
Photo: 842
A sign of aging: / Random stretching and sharp groans, / Sometimes bird watching.
Author: Hario
Photo: 530
The heron soars high, / With fish and truth in its beak. / Beckoning to me...
Author: Hario
Photo: 994
Where has my muse gone? / I sit with colorless thoughts. / Must I paint with shades?
Author: Hario
Photo: 507
In the winds, leaves shake, / The branches bend; the trees dance. / During storms; you yield.
Author: Hario
Photo: 1015
Here the wind whispers. / Hear the way the crickets sing. / Here, we hear the night.
Author: Hario
Photo: 615
I once feared the dawn. / It meant that now had ended. / But some nights keep on...
Author: Hario
Photo: 744
Be in shade or sun, / All plants need water to grow. / This is but the truth.
Author: Hario
Photo: 398
The blacksmith hammers, / Striking the ore till it shakes / And becomes a sword.
Author: Hario
Photo: 389
Florida rain showers / Coat the air and block the sky / So that swamps may grow.
Author: Hario
Photo: 1016
The dog knows its world. / It’s filled with stark want and not. / In the sun; dog sleeps.
Author: Hario
Photo: 988
The Wallflower hides, / Not in shadows or with masks, / But hides in plain sight.
Author: Hario
Photo: 604